A Series of Poems About Rebirth After Love and Heartbreak
Targeted Age Group:
[gravityforms action=”conditional” merge_tag=”Poetry is very different….in some ways I feel like we have more freedom because we have free verse, we can sort of just do whatever we want with imagery, and we don’t have to commit to ideas for the entirety of a book- just for a page or two, which in some respects makes it easier but sometimes more challenging. ” condition=”isnot” value=””]How is Writing In Your Genre Different from Others?
Poetry is very different….in some ways I feel like we have more freedom because we have free verse, we can sort of just do whatever we want with imagery, and we don’t have to commit to ideas for the entirety of a book- just for a page or two, which in some respects makes it easier but sometimes more challenging. [/gravityforms]
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Write about what you know…don’t write about a topic you actually don’t care about because you just want to set yourself apart because it’ll show.
Let the poem come to you, don’t coax it out. I’ve had poems brimming on the edges of my fingertips some nights and it can be so frustrating because I really want to get it all down on paper but sometimes you just need to sleep on it or wait.
Only write for yourself. Write about what makes you happy, what you feel you need to write about, your words are your holy testament.
Author Bio:
Katelin Wagner is a 19 year old pre-med student, spoken word poet, and writer based in Los Angeles, California. She holds a feature on Russell Simmons All Def Digital: All Def Poetry. She is also the Creative Youth Talent Director at the award winning SpokenVizions Magazine.
[gravityforms action=”conditional” merge_tag=”Initially I was just writing poems to process a really difficult break up I had after falling in love and then I started noticing there was a cycle happening, this whole process of falling in love, falling out of love, the break up, the aftermath, and this process of finding yourself after and being comfortable in calling your own two arms home. I started noticing this when people kept telling me I should compile all my poems into a book; my favorite animal is a phoenix and I realized that we, as humans, endure a similar cycle with our hearts when it comes to love, so that was what inspired the title. ” condition=”isnot” value=””]What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Initially I was just writing poems to process a really difficult break up I had after falling in love and then I started noticing there was a cycle happening, this whole process of falling in love, falling out of love, the break up, the aftermath, and this process of finding yourself after and being comfortable in calling your own two arms home. I started noticing this when people kept telling me I should compile all my poems into a book; my favorite animal is a phoenix and I realized that we, as humans, endure a similar cycle with our hearts when it comes to love, so that was what inspired the title. [/gravityforms]
[gravityforms action=”conditional” merge_tag=”http://www.hollowheartedphoenix.wordpress.com” condition=”isnot” value=””]Author Home Page Link[/gravityforms]
[gravityforms action=”conditional” merge_tag=”http://www.amazon.com/Untold-Mysteries-Phoenix-Hearts-Heartbreak/dp/149424344X/” condition=”isnot” value=””]Link To Buy Book On Amazon[/gravityforms]
Social Media:
[gravityforms action=”conditional” merge_tag=”http://www.facebook.com/thedreadedpoet” condition=”isnot” value=””]http://www.facebook.com/thedreadedpoet[/gravityforms]