The Valley that Calls is a collection of one hundred and twenty poems divided into sestinas, villanelles, pantoums and sonnets. The poetry uncovers extraordinary themes including through an exploration of nature and a narration of personal tales. Not only are the stories told guaranteed to captivate readers but you are sure to be stunned by the grace of the valley and the beauty of the poetry narrated. Each and every tale told is remarkable and designed to be cherished.
Targeted Age Group:: All ages
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
This book is a follow up to my first poetry book, The Sky that Falls. This particular book intended to provide readers with a lot more poems than the Sky that Falls. I also wanted to explore more intimate and erotic themes and I had a chance to do that in the Valley that Calls. The Sky that Falls contains forty poems whereas this book contains one hundred and twenty poems. I wanted to produce a book with a lot more beautiful poetry and that is the reason I wrote the Valley that Calls.